Timber Craft Whiskey

Timber Craft Ninety Eight Whiskey

The Basics: 

Timber Craft Whiskey (sourced)

98 Proof

5 Year Age Statement

$57 MSRP


Cherry vanilla Coke, clove, allspice, strawberry jam, and marshmallow.


Oak, tart pomegranate, creamy vanilla frosting, buttered croissant, and tobacco.


Medium finish with cherry Garcia ice cream and light honey.

Final Thoughts:

Timber Craft Whiskey is a new distillery based out of Big Spring, Texas. Their flagship offering is a 98 proof 5-year straight whiskey sourced from Indiana, appropriately named ninety-eight. Right off the bat, the whiskey hits you in the face with cherry vanilla Coke. It takes over the nose in the best way possible, along with strawberry jam and a hit of baking spices. The whiskey brings out a tart pomegranate on the palate, complemented by tobacco and buttered croissant, before leading into a lingering cherry Garcia ice cream on the finish. Without a doubt, the best aspect of this whiskey is the nose. The intense cherry, rich vanilla, and creamy marshmallow makes this whiskey extremely appealing before even taking a sip. At 5 years there is enough oak coming through on the palate to take away any youthful notes that you might find in other craft whiskey brands. If you enjoy a rich, creamy, fruit forward whiskey, then look no further than Timber Craft.


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